Smith and wesson revolver serial number lookup

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Again, i will get the pictures upload as soon as I can. I would just like to determine the year and model, so I can know a little more about something my grandfather passed on to e after his death. Smith And Wesson Search By Serial Number Ive a S&W Revolver is pretty straight fo I have no real interest is getting rid of this gun, so the current value if any is not that important. Smith And Wesson Serial Numbers K Frame Smith And Wesson Serial Numbers Lookup The Smith & Wesson Model 1 was the first firearm manufactured by Smith & Wesson, with production spanning the years 1857 through 1882. The trigger guard is slightly bent and pitted. The pistol has been well used and probably needs to be serviced and cleand. I am missing the correct hand grip, although I was told it should be a small two piece wood grip. SERVICE CTG'S' The top of the barrel reads ' SMITH & WESSON SPRINGFILED MASS USA PAT'D APRIL 9, 89 MARCH 27, 94 MAY 21, 96 JULY 16, 95 AUG 4, 96 DEC 22, 96 OCT 4, 98 OCT 8, 01 DEC 17, 01' The only other marings on the gun are the five digit serial number on the butt of the gun and the S & W trade mark symbol near the hammer. The left sid eof the barrel states ' 38 S & W SPECIAL U.S. I looked again, and there are no numbers or markings in the cylinder area or on the inside of the frame when the cylinder is open. Every Safariland holster has a product part number, eg: 1-2. I have taken some pictures and will try to get them uploaded ASAP.